Thursday, December 31, 2009

Let's Play...All Day Long

We watched Weston and Lacie for most of the day. Upstairs, under the eves, is a long, narrow room full of books and toys and kid furniture. A lot of the toys were ones my children played with. Whenever the grandkids come over, they run upstairs to play. Weston brought the "car map" downstairs. I made this for Christmas one year for my boys. It's on the backside of a large piece of vinyl and is a map of our neighborhood. Of course, some of the places are not around anymore, like the grocery store, Bobco's.  And the zoo is not right next to our house, although the map shows it is. And we had to drive to McDonald's, not walk.

Lacie and Weston were fascinated with the seashells I brought home from Oregon. Weston took a few home.

I love little hands - all pudgy, innocent and soft.  Here are Lacie's sweet little hands.

Sweet Lacie Kay.