Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Impromptu Bike Ride on the Trail

Jonah and Ez wanted to take in impromptu bike ride up on the trail this afternoon. We ended up having so much fun that we were gone over two hours.


They stopped often to explore!


The we arrived at Steed Pond and the boys decided to make impromptu fishing poles. They had discovered some fishing line tangled in some weeds as they were exploring earlier.

 Ezra found a dead fish and pretended he had caught it. He was pretty excited. Well, it WAS exciting...except for the smell!


The pond was so peaceful and caused beautiful reflections.

Ahh...the wonder of children!

The kids ran ahead just before the stop light and climbed these rocks. I was able to capture Ezra with his hand over his heart. He did not know I was looking - sweet.

Last stop: Maverick for a yogurt cone.