Monday, January 18, 2010

Good Things Utah

Cathy and I went to Good Things Utah this morning, attending as part of the studio audience. Though I've only seen this show a couple of times, it was intersting to see how a TV segment is put together. I've always enjoyed watching the behind-the-scenes action of plays and live theatre, so this was fun too.

It was interesting to see how the whole platform was just moved to another area in preparation for the next segment. The girls didn't even move off the set.

A cooking segment with the "science" guy using vinegar in bread and pasta.

Cathy took this shot from her TV recording, showing us on TV - our 5 seconds of fame!

After taking lunch to Joanna and visiting with her in the hospital, we headed home via Farmington Bay to check if any eagles had landed. We saw one flying and a couple way out on the Bay.