Monday, June 21, 2010

Gram's Rules & Observations When Taking Grandkids on a Bike Ride for Two Hours

1. It's harder on Gram's knees to go slow on her bike.
2. Always take your camera.
3  Allow plenty of time for getting off your bike and exploring. (Like every five minutes...)
4. Don't have an agenda (I didn't) - just go with the flow.
5. Be sure to have a basket on your bike...for snail shells and other found treasures.
6. Be ready to teach the rules of the trail. Such as when people are coming toward you, be sure you are in your own lane.
7. Just because you're on a bike doesn't mean a five-year-old is not going to talk your head off.
8. Wear your helmet.
9. Make it magical.
10. Bring band-aids (or a first aid kit:) for when little boys fall off their bikes...and are wearing flip flops.
11. Bring water.
12. Little boys pee often.
13. Look at adventures through your grandchildren's eyes - not yours. That way it's MUCH more fun!
14. It's harder on Gram's knees to go slow on her bike.

We ran into a police officer on the trail - very unusual. He asked Jonah if he would like to turn on the siren. Then he asked if they wanted to sit on his bike. Pretty cool!

Daylight got away from us - we were having too much fun.