Friday, June 18, 2010

Spring Fever...Finally

I took off work this afternoon - something called spring fever caught me by surprise and I just couldn't stand to be indoors any longer. I came home; Mike and I ran some errands and then we went for a 2-hour drive in the MG. First time this year. It was such a perfect day to go for a drive in a convertible. We drove the back roads clear to Pleasant View - no destination in mind. But I did discover a couple of places I want to take my camera back to. We ended up at Farr's Ice Cream in Clinton for a frozen yogurt. That was my dinner. I then hopped on my bike and took a long ride up on the trail. They have part of the Clearfield trail open so I rode to just after 200 N and came upon the train tracks, turned around and did two laps around Holt Elementary. Probably about a 5 mile round trip ride.