Friday, June 11, 2010

Keen Sale

I left work early today to attend a shoe sale at a fellow's house in Sugarhouse. He is a sale rep for Keen shoes, my favorite brand. Twice a year he sells his samples out of his garage. He only carries size 7, so I'm lucky it's the size I wear. I got there just as the sale started. I was on the lookout for a good hiking shoe. I picked up a few different styles to try on, but because I couldn't carry all of them, I just picked up one shoe of each. I decided on the "perfect one" and went to get the other shoe. It was GONE. I tried to find it and asked the rep if he had seen it. He looked around too and we eventually found it on SOMEONE ELSE'S FOOT! And she would NOT take it off.  She kept saying, "Would you consider onsies and twosies?" Not sure what she meant, (JACKS...maybe???) we were probably about the same age. I declined, over and over again. She said," But it's just the right color and fits my arch well and I like the style." Well, DUH! That's why I wanted it! I wandered around and waited and waited, but she would not take off that shoe. I politely told her I was there first and would like the shoe. She responded: "HOW do you KNOW you were here first??"  (I had seen her walk in - she was wearing a very bright jacket) She just kept that shoe on her foot. I wandered around some more and she again asked, "onsies and twosies?"  (WHAT! Are we in Kindergarten??) I politely declined AGAIN, told her I was ready to check out and needed the shoe. She did not answer. I finally got in line and when it was my turn to check out I handed over ONE shoe and said I wanted to pay but I needed the other shoe, and that I had arrived first. He walked over to the woman and said she needed to take off the shoe. I HATE confrontations and was shaking by the time I walked out - WITH THE PAIR.

I picked these up for Joanna for her baby, Jane.