Friday, February 26, 2010

UCET Conference

I attended the UCET (Utah Coalition for Educational Technology) Conference at Murray High School today. Murray is my old stomping ground when I attended court reporting school and not far from the high school. It's also not far from one of my favorite parks. I attended sessions on photography, the Web 2.0 classroom (google docs, blogs, paperless classroom) and Twitter tools for teachers. Amazing how exhausted I am from using my brain today -  in a different way.

I was delighted to find my friend, Pat O'Connor in the vendor area. He was here from Colorado with Lightspeed and the Redcat portable audio system. He is a walking miracle and has an incredible survival story which touches anyone who hears it. Recently his story was told on a Denver TV station commemorating the one-year anniversary of the accident and can be viewed here. (They don't talk about the mystery man who showed up out of nowhere and provided a lighter to keep him warm, but can be read off the site.)

I really liked  UCET's clever poster this year, advertising the conference.