Saturday, February 13, 2010

Vancouver Winter Olympics

I love watching the Winter Olympics. I especially enjoy the human interest stories. This year brings back memories of when they were hosted here in Utah and I was teaching SEM at Clinton Elementary. I remember meeting with the principal to propose creating a course in which all students who would be attending one or more of the events would be able to attend classes and learn the history of the Olympics and the event they would be attending so that they would be more prepared when they actually attended an event. We also had triva games going on and other activities. It was very rewarding to watch them at the events and hear their comment on things they had learned in class. I thought it might be fun to look through my collection of Olympic pins - if I can ever find them!

 Apollo Ono

 The size of the skis has to do with the size of the skier.
I thought it might be fun to look through my collection of Olympic pins, if I can ever find them. But I did run across my 2002 Olympic quilt. Each person in my quilt group created one of the icons, then we all traded so we all had one of each. We were even invited to have them displayed in the Salt Lake Capitol during the Olympics..