Friday, April 09, 2010

Sunset Crater Volcano, Wupoki Ruins, Meteor Crater

We hiked the Lenox Trail at Sunset Crater Volcano. It was very steep. No hikers are allowed into the volcano anymore, but the beauty of the black pebbly lava and tall pines was beautiful.

Top of Lenox Trail.

I was amazed at the mountains in Arizona. Every photo of the snow-covered mountains look like ink sketches.

We also walked another trail - this one was flat.

Wupoki Ruins

We had to crawl through this door in order to get into one of the rooms.

We checked out the Meteor Crater. It is over 50,000 years old! It's almost a mile in diameter and 550 feet deep. There's an American flag in the center. Astronauts used to use this area for training. The visitors center features an actual Apollo space test capsule. This was probably the most expensive place we visited, as it is now privately owned.